Why Should You Use The Backlink Checker Tool?

Typical use case scenarios when to use Backlink Checker tool are listed below.

Lea Marano avatar
Written by Lea Marano
Updated over a week ago

The seobase Backlink Checker tool is developed to give you access to the backlink overview of any website. So, you can use the Backlink Checker to:

  • See who is linking to your website.

  • Identify your backlinks as dofollow and nofollow backlinks.

  • Recognize the nofollow spam score to be able to disavow them.

  • Find the most valuable backlinks on your competitors' websites.

  • Examine your competitors' backlink profiles to spot patterns and possible link opportunities.

  • Analyze the anchor texts to see your competitors' performance to optimize backlink profiles of your own website. Use anchor text analysis to detect potential harmful SEO attacks on your website.

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