Save SERP results as Image

Learn how to save the actual view of Google's search results page as an image

Lea Marano avatar
Written by Lea Marano
Updated over a week ago

In SERP Checker the snapshot of Google's SERP page with the current results for a target keyword can be saved as an image.

To do so, please click on the “Save as Image” button.

The image will be downloaded to your computer in .png format.

The first 100 results of the Google SERP are being shown in the image. The downloaded file looks exactly like a screenshot of the Google search page with the results for the target keyword.

Depending on a selected platform, the image will be showing a desktop or a mobile view of Google search results page.

SERP Checker Save as Image.

If you are not using seobase yet and want to check out how SERP Checker works, follow this link here and sign up:

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