Adding and Deleting Keywords

This article describes how to add keywords to existing trackings and how to remove keywords.

Lea Marano avatar
Written by Lea Marano
Updated over a week ago

Adding keywords to existing trackings:

You can add new keywords to existing tracking by clicking on the blue “Add Keywords” button on the tracking overview page.

A slideout will open on the right and you can enter new additional keywords to your tracking.

You need to separate keywords by pressing Tab or Enter as you type.

You can also import keywords from a .txt or a .csv file.

Duplicate keywords will be removed automatically. You will see a notification message popping up in the top right corner every time a duplicate keyword is removed.

This section shows to add keywords to your tracking.

Deleting keywords from existing trackings:

You will need to do the following in order to delete keywords:

  1. Go to the tracking overview page

  2. Select one or multiple keywords that you want to delete

  3. Notice, the button “Delete Keywords” at the bottom of the list becomes active once you select keywords. Click on it to delete keywords.

Note: all the data and metrics that were accumulated in the system for the keyword(s) you are deleting will be permanently removed.

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