How to create website trackings in seobase

This article describes how to create a website tracking in seobase

Lea Marano avatar
Written by Lea Marano
Updated over a week ago

Trackings in seobase are the websites that are being monitored on their performance in search engines (Google). We monitor how well these websites perform for certain keywords.

Accumulated data allows you to keep your seo campaigns on track and regularly check how well your target keywords are doing in search engines.

To create a tracking in Seobase do the following:

  1. Go to the Rank Tracker page

  2. Click on the “Create Tracking” button

  3. Select which platform you want to track your website on: desktop or mobile

  4. Enter tracked website’s domain

  5. Select location: by default a location of your account will be selected (the location that was used when you created your account with seobase).
    So if your tracking was created in Austria, then Austria will be your current default location for data collection, even if you are currently traveling in Canada.

  6. Enter keywords. You can separate keywords by pressing Tab or Enter as you type.
    You can also import keywords from a .txt or a .csv file.
    Duplicate keywords will be removed automatically. You will see a notification message popping up in the top right corner every time a duplicate keyword was removed.


  • Only admins and managers can create trackings.

  • You cannot update domain or location for existing trackings.
    Instead, you can create a new tracking with a domain and location that you prefer.

This section explains how to add tracking to your account in seobase Rank Tracker.

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